- Celebrate and educate 30 years of the brand’s history!
- Engage customers with the brand and the sport of basketball
- Drive product sales

A media and promotion plan included:
- Online content creation
Promotions surrounding the 30th anniversary:
- Trivia Contest
- 30 Day sweepstakes
Content was created, curated and placed on all social networks using social media management software that schedules, tracks and analyzes the reach of social activity. Tweets and status updates were scheduled along with photos, video and other content. Key points and events were publicized throughout social media efforts on a specific timeline. Promotional content was also shared with athletes and other stakeholders to extend the messages’ reach.
- Sales gains across all accounts vs year ago
- Over 90,000 trivia game entries
- Many notable tweets
- 30%, a major increase in Facebook Likes
- Significant increase in people talking about this
- Brand received over 72.7 mm impressions Notable pick-up included: Yahoo!, MarketWatch, Reuter