• Use the survey information gleaned from the research to direct an interactive educational communication initiative inclusive of rewards

    Developed 4 quarterly e-newsletters, one for plumbers/contractors and another for sales associates. Focused on topics of interest, coupled with an action stimulating music promotion.

    • Click through rates were twice the industry norms Engagement is strong as levels of readership remained steady after multiple issues deployed.

    More Examples

    Business to Business Success Story – Phase 1

    Business to Business Success Story – Phase 2

    Business to Business Success Story – Phase 3

    Business to Business Success Story – Phase 4

    Business to Business Success Story – Phase 5

    U.S. Postal Service Philatelic Products

    Perfect Post Office

    International Fundraising Campaign

    Cooking for Bachelors TV

    Integrated Social Media Campaign for Sporting Goods Manufacturer

    External Link Example

    Integrated Mobile Promotion for the NBA

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