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Planning, Research & Analysis – Act on Data

A. Planning

Communications plan development, testing and execution:

  1. Annual plan
  2. A/B testing to produce the strongest messages

Promotion plan development, testing and execution:

  1. Annual plan
  2. Single promotion
  3. Promotion brainstorming and idea generation (annual or individual initiative)
  4. Joint partner search, negotiation, agreement

B. Research

Promotion Optimization:

Answering questions such as:

  1. what type of promotions yield the greatest purchase interest among my prospects
  2. how much of an incentive is needed to motivate that purchase interest?

Survey Research & Reporting

  • Qualitative Focus Groups
  • Quantitative

C. Analysis

Competitive Analysis

Survey Analysis

E.g. Target group studies for best engagement strategies and tactics, preferred message delivery options, etc.

Analysis of current communication and promotions strategies with recommendations for future efforts